Tips To Create A Dedicated Study Space

 Study Space ideas 

When starting on an online degree program, you can be certain that it’s going to take dedication and hard work. Thankfully, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to get the most out of your online course. One of the most significant things to get right is to create the right kind of study environment. 

Check out these 10 tips on how to create a productive study space: 


You want to be comfortable, but not so comfortable that you fall asleep. Choose a desk that comes up to between your waist and ribcage when you sit at it and a simplistic chair that fits the length of the desk. You want to be able to rest your feet on the floor, and not have to lean your shoulders over your laptop when working. 


A study place that is not lit properly might make you feel lethargic and put pressure on your eyes. Make sure your screen contrast is comfortable to look at, use a small desk light to illuminate your immediate study area, and a larger lamp or overhead light to light the rest of the room. Natural light is great, but make sure the temptation to look out of the window doesn’t divert you from your work. 


Make sure you have all the study materials you need to hand, and ONLY the study materials you need. Keep traditional school supplies (pens, paper, books) in a selected area on your desk or in a drawer. Also, make sure your laptop or tablet mount is nearby. 


A neat and efficient desktop is an effective desktop, whether it’s your real desk or on your computer. Make sure each item you need to study has its own place and everything is named clearly, especially computer files and printed materials. The learning plan always keeps you up to date, but a nice wall time-table can also help you know at a glance what you need to do next. 

Time Management 

Time management is often one of the inherent skills online students say they improve in the most while doing an online degree. Treat your desk or wall to a beautiful timepiece. There’s no need to be afraid of having a clock either. When used as a tool for motivation, a clock can provide a very simple way to help you stay focused and get the job done at the right time. 


Keep your phone aside 

In this era and age, it might seem like a silly request, but withdrawing from your smartphone while you study will allow you to really get down to some severe work. If you can’t bring yourself to turn it off, try putting it in airplane mode. Also, leave social media one side during your preferred study time, and then look forward to sharing your success on Facebook and twitter when that important assignment has finally been submitted to your teacher. 


You may be the kind of person who enjoys a little background sound when studying. However, the most important thing to do is make sure the noise is YOUR noise i.e. music that you choose or a radio station you appreciate. Noise from your friend, traffic outside, or television can be a major distraction, so try to decrease this as much as you can. 

Study Properly 

Make sure that the study space you have curated is only used for studying. This is considerably important because space physically represents your dedication and focus on achieving your qualification. If it’s not possible to have a devoted space, make sure you can transform a suitable area to and from your dedicated study space as seamlessly and tidily as possible. 


Part of creating a space where you can be comfortable and concentrate on your work can also have a lot to do with aesthetics that please your thoughts. Don’t be afraid to hang inspirational pictures, use scented candles, and enrich your study space to please your senses and reflect your ambition to succeed. 


Remember, this is a study space, so you can make it exactly how you feel it will suit your study habits best. Explore a little with exactly how you design your study room. If you feel that you would perform better if all your study materials synchronized, then make it happen. Personalizing your study space strengthens focus, and can help you look forward to studying. 

We understand that studying online takes dedication and discipline, but the benefits when you get your study method, space, and routine set up are worth it. Follow these tips to make sure you give yourself the best chance to succeed when studying your online degree and make your study space the place where real dreams happen. 


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